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On-line orders: Ask for an estimate of the costs of the wine + the transport to your home. When you give us your authorization, we will take the wine to the indicated address. Son Sureda Ric wine boxes contain 6 bottles
Budget request
Select your wine:

Thank you for your order, we will send you a quote shortly.

Indicative transport prices collaborating with:


The price of transport to the different countries may vary depending on the geographical location of the final destination. This price list is general and indicative:


  • Delivery on the island of Mallorca: up to 18 bottles FREE

  • Shipments to Germany: 6 bottles € 7.40 / 12 bottles € 10.70 / 18 bottles € 12.80

  • Shipments to Austria and Denmark: 6 bottles € 18/12 bottles € 25/18 bottles € 32

  • Shipping to Sweden: available


Whenever we make a budget, we will consult your agreement with the prices before making any shipment.


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